1000000 Square Millimeter (mm²)
10000 Square Centimeter (cm²)
1 Square Meter (m²)
0.000001 Square Kilometer (km²)
10.76391 Square Foot (ft²)
1.19599 Square Yard (yd²)
0.000247 Acre (acre)
0.0001 Hectare (hectare)
0.01 Are (are)
10.890043 Pyeongbangja
0.3025 Pyeong
0.001008 Danbo
0.000101 Jeongbo

What is an Area Unit Converter?


An area unit converter, also known as an area converter, is a tool that facilitates the conversion between various area units such as square millimeters (mm²), square centimeters (cm²), square meters (m²), square kilometers (km²), square feet (ft²), square yards (yd²), acres, hectares, ares, pyeong, danbo, and jeongbo. Users can input a specific area value and unit to obtain the equivalent value in another desired unit.

This tool includes various area measurement units from the International System of Units (SI), the British Imperial system, land area units, and traditional Korean units, making it useful in fields such as construction, real estate, and land management.

Explanation of Area Unit Converter Terminology

  1. International System of Units (SI) Units
    • Square Millimeter (mm²), Square Centimeter (cm²), Square Meter (m²), Square Kilometer (km²)
    • These are standard units belonging to the SI system, which are based on the decimal system for easy conversion.
  2. British Imperial Units
    • Square Foot (ft²), Square Yard (yd²)
    • These are area units based on the British length units.
  3. Land Area Units:
    • Acre, Hectare (ha), Are (a)
    • 1 acre = 4,046.86 m², 1 hectare = 10,000 m², 1 are = 100 m²
  4. Korean Traditional Units
    • Pyeong, Danbo, Jeongbo
    • These are traditional land area units used in Korea
    • 1 pyeong = 3.3058 m², 1 danbo = 990 m², 1 jeongbo = 9,917 m²

Area Unit Conversion Formulas

  • 1 Square Millimeter (mm²) = 0.000001 m²
  • 1 Square Centimeter (cm²) = 0.0001 m²
  • 1 Square Kilometer (km²) = 1,000,000 m²
  • 1 Square Foot (ft²) = 0.092903 m²
  • 1 Square Yard (yd²) = 0.836127 m²
  • 1 Acre (acre) = 4,046.86 m²
  • 1 Hectare (hectare) = 10,000 m²
  • 1 Are (are) = 100 m²
  • 1 Pyeong = 3.3058 m²
  • 1 Danbo = 991.7 m²
  • 1 Jeongbo = 9,917 m²

1 mm² = 0.000001 m²
100 × 0.000001 m² = 0.0001 m²

  • 1 m² = 1,000,000 Square Millimeters (mm²)
  • 1 m² = 10,000 Square Centimeters (cm²)
  • 1 m² = 0.000001 Square Kilometers (km²)
  • 1 m² = 10.7639 Square Feet (ft²)
  • 1 m² = 1.19599 Square Yards (yd²)
  • 1 m² = 0.0002471 Acres (acre)
  • 1 m² = 0.0001 Hectares (hectare)
  • 1 m² = 0.01 Ares (are)
  • 1 m² = 0.302515 Pyeong
  • 1 m² = 0.001008 Danbo
  • 1 m² = 0.0001009 Jeongbo

1 m² = 10.7639 ft²
100 × 10.7639 ft² = 1,076.39 ft²

How to Use the Area Unit Converter

When you first open the page, the default unit is set to 1 square meter (m²), and you can see the values for all units. To find the value in a specific unit, follow these steps

How to Use the Area Unit Converter with Images
How to Use the Area Unit Converter with Images
  1. Enter the area value you want to convert in the first field.
  2. Select the current unit from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose the desired unit from the dropdown menu to see the converted value.
  4. For all unit values, select “Select All” from the third dropdown menu to display all converted unit values.


How do I use the area unit converter?

It’s very simple. Enter the value of the area you want to convert, select the “current unit” and the “desired unit,” and the result will be displayed automatically. For all unit conversions, choose “Select All” from the “desired unit” dropdown.

What units are supported?

The site supports units like square millimeter (mm²), square centimeter (cm²), square meter (m²), square kilometer (km²), square foot (ft²), square yard (yd²), acre (acre), hectare (hectare), are (are), pyeong, danbo, and jeongbo.

Is there any restriction on usage?

The area unit converter is free to use without any restrictions.

Can I Use It on Mobile Devices?

Yes, it works perfectly on smartphones just like on a PC.

What is the accuracy?

The converter is highly accurate, but there may be minor errors due to very long decimal places. For precise conversion, refer to the provided formulas.

How are decimal places displayed?

The result is displayed up to 6 decimal places, and from the 7th place onward, scientific notation is used.

Can I input negative values?

Negative values for area are not allowed.

What is the conversion formula from square yards (yd²) to square inches (in²)?

1 yd² = 1,296 in²

What is the conversion formula from hectares (ha) to acres (ac)?

1 ha = 2.471 ac

What is the conversion formula from square meters (m²) to square feet (ft²)?

1 m² = 10.764 ft²

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