Length Unit Converter

1000 Millimeter (mm)
100 Centimeter (cm)
1 Meter (m)
0.001 Kilometer (km)
39.370079 Inch (in)
3.28084 Foot (ft)
1.093613 Yard (yd)
0.04971 Chain (chain)
0.004971 Furlong (furlong)
0.000621 Mile (mile)
1000000000 Nanometer (nm)
1000000 Micrometer (µm)
0.33 Chi (寸)
3.300003 Ja (尺)
0.55 Gan (間)
0.009167 Jeong (町)
0.002546 Ri (里)
0.00054 Nautical Mile (nmi)
1.568e-7 Earth Radius (equatorial)
1.573e-7 Earth Radius (polar)
1.437e-9 Solar Radius
6.684e-12 Earth-Sun Distance

length unit converter?


A length unit converter is a tool that can convert various length units into one another. Here, you can convert between units such as millimeters (mm), centimeters (cm), meters (m), kilometers (km), inches (in), feet (ft), yards (yd), chains, furlongs, miles, nanometers (nm), micrometers (µm), traditional Korean units like chi (寸), ja (尺), gan (間), jeong (町), and ri (里), nautical miles, Earth’s radius (both equatorial and polar), the Sun’s radius, and the Earth-Sun distance. Each unit is calculated using precise conversion formulas to provide accurate results.

Length Unit Converter Guide

Millimeter (mm) : A millimeter is 1/1000th of a meter, often used in precise measurements and small-scale tasks.
Centimeter (cm) : One centimeter is 1/100th of a meter, commonly used in everyday length measurements.
Meter (m) : The base unit of length in the metric system. One meter equals 100 centimeters and is widely used as a standard length unit globally.
Kilometer (km) : One kilometer is 1000 meters. It’s mainly used to measure distances, such as road or geographical distances.
Inch (in) : An inch is approximately 2.54 centimeters, commonly used in the United States and the UK for various measurements including screen sizes.
Foot (ft) : A foot is 12 inches or about 30.48 centimeters, often used in construction, real estate, and aviation.
Yard (yd) : A yard is 3 feet, or about 91.44 centimeters, frequently used in sports like golf and American football.
Chain : A chain measures 66 feet or 22 yards, primarily used in land surveying.
Furlong : A furlong is 10 chains or about 201.168 meters, often used in horse racing.
Mile (mile) : A mile equals 5280 feet or 1760 yards, approximately 1.60934 kilometers, used for road distances and travel.
Nanometer (nm) : A nanometer is 1/1,000,000,000th of a meter, used in nanotechnology and scientific research.
Micrometer (µm) : A micrometer is 1/1,000,000th of a meter, used for microscopic measurements.
Chi (寸) : A traditional Korean unit approximately 3.03 centimeters, used historically for body measurements.
Ja (尺) : Another traditional Korean unit about 30.3 centimeters, used in construction and textiles.
Gan (間) : A traditional Korean unit about 1.8 meters, used in architecture.
Jeong (町) : A traditional Japanese unit approximately 109.1 meters.
Ri (里) : A traditional Korean unit about 393 meters; in China, it is roughly 500 meters.
Nautical Mile : About 1852 meters, used in marine and air navigation, representing one minute of latitude.
Earth’s Radius (Equatorial) : Approximately 6378.1 kilometers.
Earth’s Radius (Polar) : Approximately 6356.8 kilometers.
Sun’s Radius : About 696,340 kilometers.
Earth-Sun Distance : On average, about 149,597,870.7 kilometers, also known as 1 Astronomical Unit (AU).

Length Conversion Formulas

  • Millimeter to Meter: 1 mm = 0.001 m
  • Centimeter to Meter: 1 cm = 0.01 m
  • Kilometer to Meter: 1 km = 1000 m
  • Inch to Meter: 1 in = 0.0254 m
  • Foot to Meter: 1 ft = 0.3048 m
  • Yard to Meter: 1 yd = 0.9144 m
  • Chain to Meter: 1 chain = 20.1168 m
  • Furlong to Meter: 1 furlong = 201.168 m
  • Mile to Meter: 1 mile = 1609.34 m
  • Nanometer to Meter: 1 nm = 1 × 10^-9 m
  • Micrometer to Meter: 1 µm = 1 × 10^-6 m
  • Chi to Meter: 1 chi = 0.0333 m
  • Ja to Meter: 1 ja = 0.303 m
  • Gan to Meter: 1 gan = 1.818 m
  • Jeong to Meter: 1 jeong = 109.1 m
  • Ri to Meter: 1 ri = 3927 m
  • Nautical Mile to Meter: 1 nautical mile = 1852 m
  • Earth’s Radius (Equatorial): 6378137 m
  • Earth’s Radius (Polar): 6356752 m
  • Sun’s Radius: 6.955 × 10^8 m
  • Earth-Sun Distance: 1.496 × 10^11 m

5 mile X 1609.34 m/mile ≈ 8046.7m

  • 1 m = 1000 mm
  • 1 m = 100 cm (cm)
  • 1 m = 0.001 km
  • 1 m ≈ 39.3701 in (in)
  • 1 m ≈ 3.28084 feet (ft)
  • 1 m ≈ 1.09361 yards (yd)
  • 1 m ≈ 0.0497097 chain
  • 1 m ≈ 0.00497096 Furlong
  • 1 m ≈ 0.000621371 miles (mile)
  • 1 m = 1 × 10^9 nanometers (nm)
  • 1 m = 1 × 10^6 micrometers (µm)
  • 1 m ≈ 30.303 inches (寸)
  • 1 m ≈ 3.303 ruler (尺)
  • 1 m ≈ 0.549 period (間)
  • 1 m ≈ 0.009174 (町)
  • 1 m ≈ 0.000254 li
  • 1 m ≈ 0.000539957 dissociation
  • 1 m ≈ 1.567855 × 10^-7 Earth radius (radius)
  • 1 m ≈ 1.574537 × 10^-7 Earth radius (pole)
  • 1 m ≈ 1.437 × 10^-9 solar radius
  • 1 m ≈ 6.684587 × 10^-12 Earth-Solar Distance

1000 m X 0.001 km/m = 1 km

How to Use a Length Unit Converter

If you open the first page, you can see that all units of value have been entered with the reference unit selected as 1 meter (m). If you need other unit values, try entering them as follows.

How to Use the Length Unit Converter with Images
How to Use the Length Unit Converter with Images
  1. Open the length unit converter page.
  2. Enter the value you want to convert in the first input field.
  3. Select the unit of the value you are converting from in the second dropdown menu.
  4. Choose the target unit in the third dropdown menu.
  5. The converted value will be displayed automatically.
  6. Use the button to switch units if needed.


How do I use the length unit converter?

Simply input the value you want to convert, select the original and target units, and the tool will automatically show the converted value.

What units are supported?

The converter supports millimeters (mm), centimeters (cm), meters (m), kilometers (km), inches (in), feet (ft), yards (yd), chains, furlongs, miles, nanometers (nm), micrometers (µm), chi (寸), ja (尺), gan (間), jeong (町), ri (里), nautical miles, Earth’s radius (equatorial and polar), Sun’s radius, and Earth-Sun distance.

Is there any usage limit?

The length unit converter is free to use with no restrictions.

Can I use it on mobile devices?

Yes, the converter works perfectly on smartphones, allowing for quick and easy conversions on the go.

How accurate is the converter?

The converter is highly accurate, using international standard units and conversion formulas.

What are traditional length units?

Traditional units such as chi, ja, gan, jeong, and ri are included and can be converted to modern metric units.
For more detailed and accurate conversions, visit our length unit converter tool.

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